Evan Ross, born on August 26th, celebrate his 21st birthdate with a Michael Jackson-themed party at the Guys & Dolls nightclub in West Hollywood; on Friday. All of his siblings came out except Rhonda Ross.
Its been reported that Partygoers danced all night to Jackson tunes and all of the cocktail waitresses were wearing white studded gloves and fedora hats in honor of Michael Jackson.
Evan decided to celebrate his birthdate along side Michael Jackson's birthdate, so the crowd sung Happy Birthday to Michael after singing Happy Birthday to Evan Ross.
Diana Ross also sang a bit of her son's favorite MJ's song to her son Evan. The song came off of MJ's "Off The Wall" album.

Interesting Facts On Diana Ross:
According to wikipedia, Diana is the mother of five children. Ross married music business manager Robert Ellis Silberstein in January 1971. In the late 70's, Robert Ellis, was the manager of singer Chaka Khan, and Diana had plenty of fun dabbling in Chaka's career.
Daughter Rhonda Suzanne Silberstein was born on August 8, 1971.
Many years later it was revealed that Rhonda's biological father is Berry Gordy. She is now known as Rhonda Ross Kendrick. Ross and Silberstein had two daughters: Tracee Joy Silberstein, born October 29, 1972, now known as Tracee Ellis Ross and Chutney Lane Silberstein, born November 4, 1975, now known as Chudney Ross. Ross and Robert Silberstein divorced in March 1977.
In February, 1986, she married Norwegian shipping magnate Arne Næss Jr.. Their sons are Ross Arne Næss (born October 7, 1987) and Evan Olav Næss (born August 26, 1988), now known as Evan Ross. Ross and Næss divorced in 1999. Næss was killed in a mountain-climbing accident in 2004.
When then Doubleday book publisher and former first lady Jackie Onassis set up a meeting with Diana to publish her autobio, she asked her what type of story she wanted to tell. Diana responded, "
I want an autobiography without revealing any personal information whatsoever." Jackie O sighed.
Diana told friends she wanted to marry Ryan O'Neal. But after their brief romance in 1979, he said of her, "
Diana Ross doesn't want to show her body, doesn't want to do sex scenes on the screen and doesn't want to be black."
Diana's mother Ernestine had intended that her daughter be named 'Diane' but through a clerical error, the name 'Diana' appeared on the official certificate. Her father Fred said that he didn't care what name was on the certificate. His daughter's name was Diane and that's what her friends and family would always call her.
Diana decided to name her third child after the spicy fruit relish, chutney. She misspelled the word on the birth certificate which is how her daughter ended up with the odd name Chudney.
Diana and Arne asked Swedish Princess Christina, the sister of King Gustav, and her commoner husband, Tord Nagusson, to become Evan's godparents. Princess Christina and Filippa - Arne's first wife - have been best friends since they were young girls.
For Arne and Diana to ask Christina to be their child's godmother seemed rather insensitive to Filippa's feelings. But for whatever reason, Christina agreed to be Evan's godmother.
Diana has always measured herself against Barbra Streisand. She would rather be Barbra Streisand than anyone else in the world. Once, when asked about her idol,
she had to admit that she had only admired her from afar because Barbra gives the impression of 'being untouchable'. The two of them have been at the same cocktail parties, but have only made eye contact and have never had a full conversation. She could never handle a social encounter with Streisand. She would be too jumpy, nervous and intimidated.