Singer Carrie Underwood is pictured above as she attends the Los Angeles premiere of the "Soul Surfer". The event was held at the ArcLights Theatre in Hollywood, California:

Colt 45 Malt Liquor has been a controversial brand for decades. In the 1970's and 1980's they were critisized for marketing a cheap, alcohol-heavy beer in a jumbo can to urban Black youth...Now, they're introducing a 12% ABV malt liquor that comes in a jumbo, alcohol-heavy can with fruity flavors...Colt 45 Blast is aimed at a broader group of drinkers, including women, with what is essentially an alcoholic soda.
Yesterday The Atlantic ran an excerpt from a book on Jay-Z that shows the rapper in some rather unflattering light. Now that article is nowhere to be found (here’s a reposting of it). The author, Zack O’Malley Greenburg, writes that Jay is receiving millions per year for endorsing a sparkling wine called Armand de Brignac.
The problem is that everyone affiliated with the wine – as well as Jay-Z – denies any business ties.