Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Positive: HIV

"...When you're on the field, you know who you're dealing with. But with sex, you don't because your partner can carry the AIDS virus from someone else to you. So having sex with one person is like having sex with everyone he or she has ever had sex with. And everyone they've ever had sex with. And everyone...well, you get the idea..."

The Los Angeles Times is reporting that, a well known adult film performer has tested positive for the HIV-Virus. These results forced two of the biggest studios in the business -- Vivid Entertainment and Wicked Pictures -- to shut down production; as performers undergo test to determine if they contracted the virus.

If you don't believe me, click here.


  1. This is sick and very sad.

  2. My money is on Montana Fishbourne, i say this because she made a few underground sex tapes before the signed with vivid and it been 30 days since she signed with them.

    I hope it's not but she's in the business and she's young and very naive.

