Rapper 50 Cent was temporarily booted off Twitter yesterday after he posted a pornographic picture and video. Fans following the hip-hop star speculated that his account had been hacked but he later admitted he had been blocked when he tweeted, "Twitpic just suspended my account damn. They got 30mns to get it back or ima go haywire." The networking site intervened after the 35-year-old hip-hop star, real name Curtis Jackson, uploaded an image of a bikini clad woman with a jumbo burger wedged between her buttocks. He titled the pic, "Y'all like my Kim K burger?' Having earlier complained that he was hungry, the hip-hopper added the caption, "I know what I wanna eat now, a big juicy burger!" The post appeared to be an unflattering reference to reality TV stunner Kim Kardashian's famously large toosh. 50 Cent then followed up by posting a video showing an unidentified blonde woman simulating a sex act with a large sex toy, along with the caption, "Now see why I be mad b--ches be faking Ima find girl in this clip and Ima marry this b--ch and be happy like swiss." 'Swiss' is probably a reference to fellow rapper Swizz Beatz who recently married R&B beauty Alicia Keys.Ouch!
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30 minutes ago
50 cent is so messy; he reminds me of a female sometimes.
ReplyDeletelol he might be messy but he's real and if you read between his lines, you will know that this dudes speaks the truth.
ReplyDeleteSwizz Beats married a lesbian!
And Kim K orders up butt-enhancements!