Mariah Carey’s Christmas special, titled “Mariah Carey: Merry Christmas to You,” aired last night on ABC. The singer performed a duet with her mother (a professional opera singer) Patricia Carey. Here's their duet in case you missed it:
Beyonce may try to outsing Mariah but she will fail badly. They only can enhance Beyonce vocals only so much. Knowing Beyonce she probably will watch the video and mimick Mariah's vocals. I would not be surprise.
I can't knock Bitchonce's voice, but she would be a dang fool to try to compete with Mariah! The woman can sing almost every key on a piano!!!! <3 Mariah. She's a Supreme Diva, and has the vocal skills and beauty to match. Plus I love how she reps both of her races all of the time.
Now watch Beyonce try to outshine Mariah. She will invite Tina Knowles on stage to sing with her.
ReplyDeleteBeyonce may try to outsing Mariah but she will fail badly. They only can enhance Beyonce vocals only so much. Knowing Beyonce she probably will watch the video and mimick Mariah's vocals. I would not be surprise.
ReplyDeleteI can't knock Bitchonce's voice, but she would be a dang fool to try to compete with Mariah! The woman can sing almost every key on a piano!!!! <3 Mariah. She's a Supreme Diva, and has the vocal skills and beauty to match. Plus I love how she reps both of her races all of the time.