Monday, April 21, 2014
Singer: Usher Rqymond
“This year has been really one of my hardest years – I lost my grandmother, my son was diagnosed as being a type one diabetic. It has definitely been a difficult one for me, man...Sometimes you’re looking at me and we’re off camera, and I’m online looking at numbers, trying to make sure he’s eating properly. It’s crazy.” -- R&B singer Usher reveals in a recent interview that one of his sons is a diabetic. Usher is the father of two young boys 6-year-old Usher Raymond V and 5-year-old Naviyd. For more, click here.
Former NBA Player: Eric Williams
According to online reports the retired NBA Player (of twelve years) / Reality star Eric Williams is homeless. Eric Williams is most recently known as the ex-husband of reality starlet Jennifer Williams from VH1's hit series Basketball Wives. In an attempt to bail out on child support payments, Eric wrote a letter to a judge stating that he has no fixed home address and that he's unable to cover child support payments. For more, click here.